
Lihat fasilitas Aula Baiturrahman yang mendukung berbagai acara.

Reservasi Aula

Silakan lakukan reservasi untuk menggunakan aula serba guna di Masjid Baiturrahman Seija, Tangerang.

Ruang serba guna di Aula Baiturrahman sangat nyaman dan cocok untuk berbagai acara di Tangerang.

Rina S.

An interior space with large wooden pillars and polished tiled floors, where a few people are either standing or sitting on the ground in various postures. Ceiling fans are installed above, and there are intricate patterns on the walls. A podium or niche is visible at the far end.
An interior space with large wooden pillars and polished tiled floors, where a few people are either standing or sitting on the ground in various postures. Ceiling fans are installed above, and there are intricate patterns on the walls. A podium or niche is visible at the far end.
